Here is a list of payday loans that provide you loan even if you have bad credit. Payday loan interest rates are high due to the high risk. These sites provide fast approval and quick cash.
- Zippy Loan
Our favorite is the Zippy loan. They are not direct lenders. They have their own software, which decides the best loan amount on the basis of your criteria.
- Money Mutual
MoneyMutual introduces you to the financier. Here, the loan eligibility for your criteria will be shared with you in 5 minutes, and the financier will lend you at the best rate.
- Dollar Loan Club
Dollar Loan Club is a secure and easy process. This connects hundreds of financiers to you. All you need to do is fill out the application and get your loan deposited into your account.
- Viva Loan
Viva Loan has a wide range of networks with financiers who can lend you up to $15,000 on the basis of eligibility criteria.
- Check into cash
This is a licenced payday lender that offers loans via online and offline. Your credit score will be affected if you don’t payback within time.
- Max lends
MaxLend is a financier where you can pay your loan in easy monthly instalments instead of a single payment.
- com
It is a website that works for you, where you can fill in the details on the website. They will search for a financier for you and give you money in one day.
- com
It is a network for searching for lenders who can lend and help in your situation.
- Clear View Loans
Clearview loans are an intermediate who borrows loans for you from a financier.
- Mr Lender
Mr Lender provides you loan of $200-$1000. It should be repaid within 6 months.
This is a list of payday loans from the best lenders.